Tuesday, April 12, 2011

21st century education

The most important skills needed for post highschool life I believe are communication, social skills and the abilitiy to make important decisions. I think our school systems are very structured however do allow for some creativity. In Elemetary school the children are socialized well and have creative projects allowing them to start picking up important life skills. There is not alot of decision making though. Up until grade 10 there really isnt much choice in the classes you take besides choosing woodworks vs. textiles. I think from grade 9 on we should have had much more freedom to choose courses, to explore and decide what we want to do for our careers. As I have not decided myself, I will be taking a year to work and think about it. I wouldnt want to go off to university and decide that I'm not interested in the courses I took, that would be a waste of alot of money.

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