Monday, April 11, 2011

worst thing i have ever eaten-creative pursuits

I walked in the house to encounter the pungent smell of seafood wafting through my nose so strongly i could taste the saltiness of it. There are certain foods that are delicious on their own but were never meant to be mixed. Shrimp and pizza are perfect examples of that. I look in the oven to see what this awful smell was coming from and I see it sitting there. It looked like a normal pizza at first, this puzzled me. No ordinary pizza could smell like that. I looked at it closer. Still pretty normal, I saw a few shrimp innocently laying there on top of the bubbling cheese. "Oh that will be pretty good" I thought to myself. But what I didn't see was laying hidden beneath the cheese. On my first bite I instantly took back the thought I had earlier and replaced it with "how on earth would my mother hate me so much to let me put this in my mouth!" The wretched taste of 100 uneccessary onions swirled around my taste buds. I now felt sick to my stomache. Some water had gushed out of the shrimp causing little pools on top that dripped down as you ate. Once i got past the shock of onion I began to notice the sauce. This was like no ordinary pizza sauce. It had clams in it along with more onions and there was just so much of it! The sheer excess of seafood and sauce had caused the crust on the bottom to become so floppy you had to use both hands underneath to keep  it up. That is if you could bear to continue eating it, which I no longer could do.

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